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Label printing supplier terms of revocation
Would you like to revoke consent?
You may object to the use of your information for advertising purposes, market research, or satisfaction survey development at any time. You may also revoke your consent at any time without retroactive effect. To do this, you will need to send an email to or use our contact form. If you have received advertising by email, you can object by responding to the email you received or writing to us at
Withdrawal form example
(This document or letter should only be completed and sent if you wish to withdraw from the contract.)
Subject: Contract withdrawal
In: (your city), on MM/DD/YYY
Pandecx B2Business
NIF: B88273099
Peris y Valero, 4604, Valencia
Phone: 640811767
Business website:
By means of this document, I/we inform you of my/our intent to end withdraw from our contract for the provision or supply of the following services:
Type of service(s) and a description (where relevant, please include a reference number):
Date the order was made or signed:
Number and identity document (DNI/NIE/Passport) of the consumer(s) and user(s) (please attach a copy):
Address of the of the consumer(s) and user(s):
Phone number of the of the consumer(s) and user(s):
Email address of the of the consumer(s) and user(s):
Signature of the of the consumer(s) and user(s)
(Only if the document is submitted on paper)